The church should be a safe place. A shelter that offers love and safety to everyone, both young and old. Yet that safety is not a given. Sexual abuse occurs within church relationships; sometimes obviously, sometimes also in a very subtle way.
Prevention of sexual abuse
Sexual abuse is a difficult subject. Yet we want to open up this subject for discussion, among others by appointing a safeguarding adviser. This adviser can play an important role in the congregation, paying attention to signals and potentially initiating discussions on the subject of (prevention of) sexual abuse. If someone in the congregation needs a confidential conversation about this subject, the safeguarding adviser can act as a first point of contact. In addition, the adviser -together with the church council- discusses possible measures to prevent abuse.
Based on this, a Safe Church Policy, Code of Conduct for children’s and youth ministry and a Code of Conduct for pastoral visits have been elaborated.
Safeguarding adviser ICF
Within ICF Utrecht, Anke Plange-van Well is the safeguarding adviser.
You can contact her before or after the service, by phone (06-47446854) or e-mail.
ICF Utrecht wants to express itself clearly through the appointment of this person: in Christ’s congregation there is no place for abuse in any form whatsoever. We do this in cooperation with the Meldpunt Misbruik. Together we want to ensure that our church is a safe place!
Do you have problems or questions about abuse in church relationships? Speak up and break the silence!